Labiaplasty (Inner Lip Aesthetics) in Turkey

Labiaplasty (Inner Lip Aesthetics) in Turkey

The term labiaplasty refers to a procedure that reduces the labia minor length. It is the most common aesthetic genital plastic surgery procedure. It aims to relieve symptoms caused by women's bending and pulling of the labia.

The purpose of the procedure is to reduce the labia minora so that it does not hang below the labia majora. A labiaplasty may be done to reduce asymmetry when one is longer than the other, or more commonly, to reduce the length of both labia so that the labia no longer bend, pull, or show through underwear.
Labiaplasty is a procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia under oral sedation or general anesthesia.

How is labiaplasty done?

How is labiaplasty done

The most common type of labiaplasty is trimming, in which excess tissue is removed and sutured directly. Another procedure is the wedge procedure, which preserves a natural border after the tissue piece is removed. The extra folds of the clitoral head can also be reduced at the same time.

A plastic surgeon or a gynecologist performs labiaplasty. The procedure is typically performed with local anesthesia and moderate sedation, although some women may be given general anesthesia. The procedure takes about an hour and most women can go home the same day.

The most preferred labiaplasty options are listed below:

1. Trim labioplasty: The surgeon trims the edges of the labia minora with a surgical blade, scissors, or laser. This is a relatively short and simple procedure and leaves a lighter lip rim that some women prefer. The downside is a long scar that can be uneven along the edge and cause discomfort.

2. Wedge labiaplasty: Wedge labiaplasty takes longer than the trim method. The surgeon wedges the excess tissue from the labia but preserves the labial edges.

Reasons for Patients to Request Labiaplasty

Reasons for Patients to Request Labiaplasty

Women opt for surgery for a variety of reasons, including pain, itching, irritation, and aesthetics caused by bending and pulling of the labia while cycling or during sexual intercourse.

Most labiaplasty surgeries are performed on sexually mature women to reduce the size of the labia for aesthetic reasons or to restore symmetry. Sometimes in girls younger than 12 years old, labiaplasty can be performed if the enlarged labia minora causes discomfort in performing normal activities.

Labial enlargement (hypertrophy) is often a congenital condition, but some women may have symptoms after childbirth, after hormone therapy, or with age.

There are many reasons why a woman might consider having a labiaplasty:

•   Physical discomfort: Enlarged and protruding labia minora can cause irritation due to skin friction with movement. Persistent irritation can lead to hygiene problems and infections.
•   Difficulty wearing certain clothes: Unusually large inner lips can make it uncomfortable to wear certain types of clothing, such as swimsuits, tight jeans, or sportswear. It can also create a visible bulge that may prevent some women from wearing such form-fitting clothing.
•   Difficulty with physical activities: Enlarged labia can become sensitive and prevent a woman from participating in certain activities. For example, the inner lips may rub against the seat and hurt when cycling, or the protruding inner lips may make walking and running difficult.
•   Sexual causes: Protrusion of the inner lips may affect the sexual life of the woman. May interfere with sexual intercourse, cause pain, or affect the ability to reach orgasm
•   Psychological effect: Trouble with the appearance of the vulva, not being able to participate freely in all physical activities and not being able to wear the clothes one wants, can affect a woman's self-confidence.

What are the risks of labiaplasty?

What are the risks of labiaplasty

The risks associated with labiaplasty are not greater than those of most surgical procedures, including bleeding, hematoma, and infection. The most common complication is overresection. While some women seek an aggressive reduction, this can cause chronic dryness, scarring at or near the vaginal opening, and pain during intercourse.

How Is The Recovery After Labiaplasty?

Most patients take a week off work, during which time they can reduce swelling and pain by placing a cold pack between the patient's panties and an elastic garment such as a Spanx. This can be done as "twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off". The patient can also lie on the bottom to reduce swelling.

Patients can continue to use tampons or have sexual intercourse after four to six weeks. Trim labiaplasty usually provides a faster recovery.

The swelling disappears in a maximum of 6 weeks.

•   Use antibiotics for a week
•   Gently wash the area with soap and water, pat dry gently and apply antibiotic ointment over the stitches.
•   Avoid vaginal intercourse for six weeks
•   Avoid activities that may put pressure on the area until the labia heals completely.
•   The follow-up consultation is usually after three weeks, when the surgeon will evaluate the healing and remove the remaining stitches.

What is the Success Result of Labiaplasty?

Most patients who experience symptoms caused by the twisting and pulling of their lips are usually relieved after surgery. According to multiple studies, labiaplasty surgery provides a high satisfaction rate of over 90 percent.

Does Labiaplasty Leave Scars?

Plastic surgeons usually use self-dissolving sutures, which usually dissolve within a month after the procedure. After the stitches dissolve, the scar tissue usually hardens before softening. Scarring is usually not visible because of the natural wrinkles and folds in the labia minora.

Does Labiaplasty Affect Feeling?

Sexual complications from labiaplasty are not well studied. Nerve supply to the labia is not affected by both trim and wedge techniques of labiaplasty and is unlikely to affect feel, but no studies have clarified how much of a role the labia minora plays in a woman's sexual pleasure.

Many women report increased sensation, though only because of the "feel-good" factor that results from improved labia appearance. In the labiaplasty technique known as "Barbie", all inner labia are removed, but it is not clear whether it affects a woman's sensation and orgasmic capacity.

How much does Labiaplasty cost in Turkey?

The cost of labiaplasty can vary depending on the surgeon's experience and the hospital, and can usually range from around $2500 to $4000 depending on individual needs. It is much more affordable in Turkey.

Plastic surgery prices in Turkey 2022

Plastic surgery costs in Turkey are between 40% and 50% lower in all plastic surgery areas than in other countries. For example, doctors in Turkey are highly qualified and private hospitals are of the highest quality and are accredited by JCI. Turkey is a popular destination for medical tourism due to its high quality.

In general, surgeries in Turkey can be up to 90 percent cheaper and 67 percent of those who go abroad prefer Turkey for private hospital treatments. This percentage is quite clear about how affordable medical treatments in Turkey are. Plastic surgery in Turkey is also 70 percent cheaper than in most of Europe.

If you calculate the total cost of your surgery, your travel fee and accommodation, the cost is still cheaper compared to having the same surgery in most western countries.

Do You Need a Visa to Turkey?

For many countries, you can easily obtain a visa for 90 days per trip. However, for holders of US, UK, Australian, Chinese and Spanish passports, e-visas must be obtained in advance for a fee upon arrival. Holders of French, German, Russian and Singaporean passports can enter visa-free. Citizens of more than 70 countries have the right to enter Turkey without a visa.

Transportation to Turkey

Transportation to Turkey

Turkish Airlines is one of the largest airlines in the world, flying to more than 100 countries and 200 international destinations. Turkish Airlines' extensive flight network provides easy and economical transportation to patients from all over the world.

Turkey's private hospitals offer the world's most advanced medical treatments and technology today. In addition to its technologically advanced medical infrastructure, Turkey is a leading health tourism destination with many advantages.

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